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初一英语饮食范文 第一篇

A healthy diet is very important for me. I usually have some bread, milk and fruit. After school, I often eat rice, soup, meat and vegetables for lunch.

I walk home. Then I do my homework first. Dinner usually has soup, meat, rice and vegetables.

You can't watch an hour of TV every day. If you want to be healthy, you have to change your diet.



初一英语饮食范文 第二篇

Eating habits and health, that is to say, hunger breeds discontent, so good eating habits are very important for our health. We can have some bread, eggs or a glass of milk for breakfast. Eating heavy oil food is not a good habit.

We can have rice or pasta. Some meat and vegetables are very useful. Dinner should choose easy to digest food, do not eat too much.

We can also choose some healthy foods we like. Yogurt is also good for our health.




初一英语饮食范文 第三篇

In order to ensure our healthy constitution and happy life, more and more people begin to pay attention to the problem of healthy diet in recent years. I get some information from all kinds of diets on the Internet. We need at least nutrients in our daily diet, that is, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber are indispensable.

The supplement of various nutrients can ensure acid-base balance and maintain a good metabolism. Second, we should eat more fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Third, water is very important in our body, Because it speeds up metabolism, we should also drink at least a few liters a day.


初一英语饮食范文 第四篇

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophy, keeping unrealistic thin, or depriving yourself of the food you like. It's about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself healthy as much as possible. All of this can be achieved by learning some basic knowledge of nutrition and choosing foods that are helpful to your health in a way that is useful to you, so as to avoid those that will increase Add to your risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Diabetes can expand your range of health choices, including a wide range of delicious foods. Learn how to use guidelines and techniques to create a satisfying, healthy diet. Here are some tips on how to choose foods that can improve your health and avoid increasing your risk of disease.

Eat enough calories but not too much to keep you That is, don't eat more than your body uses. The average daily supply is calories, but it depends on your age, gender, height, weight and physical activity. Eat all kinds of food.

A healthy diet is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods you don't normally eat, especially vegetables, whole grains or fruits, to maintain moderate portions. Especially in recent years, the supply of high calorie foods has expanded dramatically. Especially in restaurants, eat more fruits, vegetables, grains and beans, which are rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals Substance, low fat content, no cholesterol, try to keep it fresh, local agricultural products drink more water our body about% water is an important part of a healthy diet water helps flush out our system, especially waste and toxins from the kidneys and bladder, limits sugary foods, salt and refined cereal products.



初一英语饮食范文 第五篇

How to have a healthy diet healthy diet is good for our health, it can make your body strong and healthy, but how to have a healthy diet in my opinion, first of all, we should have a correct time, eating a disordered diet will affect our body's normal digestion and absorption, which is not conducive to your health. Second, having a healthy diet means eating healthy Food, such as cereals, green vegetables and fruits, different foods have different nutrients that our bodies need. Finally, we should not eat too much or too little every meal.

Diet is very harmful to our stomach and health. These are my thoughts on healthy eating. If we can do this, our bodies will become healthier and better.

The healthier Chinese diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, which keeps us away from obesity. However, with the wide spread of McDonald's and KFC fast food restaurants in China, many young Chinese find that more and more junk food, such as fried French fries, hamburgers supplied by Western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative impact on our health. In order to maintain our health, we should do more exercise and keep a balanced diet, Eat more fruits and vegetables, less butter and chocolate.




初一英语饮食范文 第六篇

Healthy diet is very important to us. I think we should eat healthy food, such as vegetables, fruits, some meat, eggs and so on. We should drink enough water every day.

We'd better not eat junk food or drink too much cola because they are harmful to our health. We should eat three healthy meals regularly and eat them slowly.





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