
更新时间:2024-06-21 16:31:24 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

恭喜你被录取范文英文 第一篇

Inquiry letter dear Jesse, how are you? I haven't seen you for a long time. I hope everything goes well with you. I am writing to you because I am going to New York on business and intend to go to New York, which I have been looking forward to for a long time.

I wonder if you would like to go with me.




恭喜你被录取范文英文 第二篇

Today, I heard my Chinese teacher tell a story about how a girl named he Shuting was admitted to Peking University. She is a senior in an ordinary school. She doesn't know whether she can be admitted to Peking University, because Peking University is her dream.

One day, she saw a girl with glasses in her class. She didn't like the girl who could sit in her seat day and night. But at that time, she found a problem.

Why can't she try to get into Peking University from that moment on She began to study hard. She worked harder than anyone in her class. Even in her school, when she recited six history books, she cried, but she did not give up time.

She entered Peking University with scores. Finally, she said that nothing is impossible. If you do this, when I hear this story, you will succeed.

I am deeply moved and I know that I will What should I do? I understand a truth: nothing is impossible.



恭喜你被录取范文英文 第三篇

Dear Li Mei: long time no see. I've been thinking about you since I last met. I heard you just graduated from Peking University and are looking for a job.

First of all, congratulations on your graduation. I hope you can find your dream job. I'm glad I have such a good friend.

Can we contact you? I hope you have good luck and look forward to your reply.




恭喜你被录取范文英文 第四篇

Dear Li Ming, I'm glad to write to you. I'm glad to hear that you have been admitted to Peking University. I know it's the result of your hard work and strength.

Congratulations. I hope you will work harder and acquire more knowledge and skills in the future. I hope you make progress in your study.



恭喜你被录取范文英文 第五篇

Dear Li Ming, I'm glad to write to you. I'm glad to hear that you have been admitted to Peking University. I know it's the result of your hard work and strength.

Congratulations. I hope you will work harder and acquire more knowledge and skills in the future. I hope you make progress in your study.




恭喜你被录取范文英文 第六篇

I am writing to apply for your study. A few days ago, I read the enrollment information on the Internet. I'm really interested.

I am an outgoing girl. I can get along well with all my classmates. Most of my subjects are very good, especially in English.

I like reading English poems, watching movies, and speeches by famous people such as Martin Luther King and President Bush. I have won the first prize in the English speech contest held in our city, and was awarded the first prize for excellent performance As the best speaker, if I want to communicate with people in the world in University, I think I can communicate with your language, I think I can communicate with you in the future.





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