
更新时间:2024-05-15 12:23:10 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

专升本英语邀请函范文 第一篇

My dear Li Hong, next Monday is my birthday. I will hold a birthday party at home in the evening. will you I also invited some of our classmates and some of my friends.

I live in Guangming Road. You can get off at the top of Guangming Road without bus or bus, and then walk left to the subway station, a red house and a white house. You can't miss it.

I really hope you can come forever.



标签: 新学期

专升本英语邀请函范文 第二篇

Dear parents: March spring, beautiful spring let us and children into the beautiful Xikou paradise, I hope the lovely children's smiling face and beautiful spring nature can relieve your hard work, let you feel beautiful, let us exercise in activities, release pressure, in order to exchange feelings, ikuko exchange experience, let our children learn to communicate happily The theme of the activity is xxxinto spring, peach garden blind datexxx. Second, activity time and place: time: one day (Thursday) of three to six years level; four to five years to one day of a year (Friday) rain classroom setting location: the cost of the third activity of Shangri La in Three Gorges: all expenses of children participating in the activity are borne by the school, the original school For Chinese students from the school, the cost of outdoor feeding for parents is yuan / person (including scenic spot) and luxury bus fare is from yuan. Charging standard: parents of the class will receive the fourth Commission.

Warm reminder: please pay the class fee on the day of participating in the activity. Please keep the outdoor environment clean, put the garbage bag in time, and please move and dress properly If an accident occurs to a child who needs urgent treatment during the activity, please inform the head teacher. The head teacher will report to the head teacher at the first time, accompanied by the doctor, so as to deal with more accidents.

The doctor can not be handled by the doctor. He should be accompanied by the first people's Hospital and report to the vice president.



专升本英语邀请函范文 第三篇

Dear, I will continue to insist, because you are a close friend of our family. My parents and I hope that you can join us and share our joy. This moment will begin.

Activities include, in addition, I believe you will have a good time. My family will feel honored for your arrival. Your sincere, dear Li Ming, I represent you I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown.

If you can give a speech on the theme during your visit, we will be very happy, because I believe it will. If we are willing to provide it for you free during your stay, we will thank you very much for accepting our invitation.



专升本英语邀请函范文 第四篇

By the way, I miss the days we spent together, so I would like to invite you to come here to spend your summer vacation with me. It has been a long time since we were in Beijing. Dear, good luck.

We can chat with each other in English. We will fish and swim in the pond in front of my house. Consider my invitation.

I want to know that we are Can you talk about how you live in school and how you learn together, because I want to enjoy all these happiness again.



专升本英语邀请函范文 第五篇

Dear Li Ming, how are you doing? I've been thinking about you since we last met. I asked my parents if you could come to my house at some time and they said if you could have dinner with us, I think this Saturday would be good for us all. Would you like to come to my house? It's so interesting to see you again on Saturday.

We can make cakes and play monopoly together. We can't wait for you.





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