
更新时间:2024-05-02 16:00:17 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第一篇

Dear Iran:

How time flies! Our Spring Festival is approaching.

Please kindly be advised that our Chinese New Year holiday is scheduled as follow: from January 21st, 20_(Wednesday) to Feb 1st, 20_(Sunday), that’s to say, we will back to office on Feb 2nd, 20_(Monday). If you have any things, please feel free to contact with us before January 21st (Wednesday).

If you have something urgent to get answer during holiday, please contact with our sales manager Ms. Michelle, her contact information as follow, she will give you answer within 24 hours.

MP: 135xxxxxxxxx



Thanks for your kind attention and support!

Wish you a Happy New Year

Best Regards


Sales Executive

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第二篇

Holiday Announcement of 20_ Spring Festival Dear customers:

Thanks for your concern and care for such a long time. According to the production arrangement, our company has made a holiday plan for this coming holiday:

Spring Festival: - ;

Resume normal work from

If you have any demand during this holiday, please issue PO two weeks ahead of time. If you have any urgent or special demand, please contact us freely, we will do our best to cooperate with you.

It will be apPciated if your announcement about holiday days could be informed.

Happy Spring Festival! Thank you very much!

Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd.

Key Words:20xx Spring Festival Announcement

Approved by: Zhun Huang

Made by: Zhilin Ye

Print: Anna Jin

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第三篇

Dear Customer:

Thank you for your continued support of the company's full, I wish our future cooperation more enjoyable.

Spring Festival approaching, for celebrating the Chinese traditional festival, so that all staff can happily live a happy, peaceful

The 20xx Spring Festival, as much as possible and enjoy the festive joy with his family. Now our specific arrangements for the Spring Festival holiday notice

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第四篇

Dear customer:

According to the notice of the relevant departments of the state on the 20_ holidays, according to the actual situation of the group, will be held on February 14, 20_ to 25vacation days off, a total of 10 days. February 26, 20_ (January eleven) normal business.

If there is any inconvenience, please feel free to understand.

Hereby declare!

Guangxi ABC Culture Industry Group Co., Ltd.

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第五篇

Dear Iran

How time flies! Our Spring Festival is approaching.

Please kindly be advised that our Chinese New Year holiday is scheduled as follow: from January 21st, 20_(Wednesday) to Feb 1st, 20_(Sunday), that’s to say, we will back to office on Feb 2nd, 20_(Monday). If you have any things, please feel free to contact with us before January 21st (Wednesday).

If you have something urgent to get answer during holiday, please contact with our sales manager Ms. Michelle, her contact information as follow, she will give you answer within 24 hours.

MP: 135*********



Thanks for your kind attention and support!

Wish you a Happy New Year

Best Regards


Sales Executive

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第六篇

As follows:

20xx Chinese New Year holiday tentative total 22 days

February 6 February 28 ---- 22 days (Saturday) official work

Due to the holiday, no one answered the telephone company, if relevant business need advice,

Please call --------- HE Sheng phone, thus causing inconvenience to you, please forgive me!

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第七篇

Dear Iran:

How time flies! Our Spring Festival is approaching.

Please kindly be advised that our Chinese New Year holiday is scheduled as follow: from January 21st, 20_(Wednesday) to Feb 1st, 20_(Sunday), that’s to say, we will back to office on Feb 2nd, 20_(Monday). If you have any things, please feel free to contact with us before January 21st (Wednesday).

If you have something urgent to get answer during holiday, please contact with our sales manager Ms. Michelle, her contact information as follow, she will give you answer within 24 hours.

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第八篇

Dear all,

The Chinese Spring Festival is coming, so please hereby be noticed that this year's spring festival holiday arrangement is from Feb. 7th to 18th , 12 days in total. The members of Shanghai Business Department are expected to come back to work on Feb. 19th. The workers in factories will have two days to report their arrivals from Feb. 20th to 22nd.

Please contact with me if you have any questions with this arrangement.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for a happy Chinese New Year!



春节放假通知简短范文英语 第九篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

How a nice day! The Chinese traditional Spring Festival is coming. We will have a vacation from February 13 to February 26th, If you have something you can send me by hope we can co-operate more in the next year.

If you have any biness don't hesitate to contact with me.

Take my best regards to you and your family.

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第十篇

Holiday Notes:

travel or go out during the holiday friend, please pay attention to personal safety.

Notice is hereby given, please know!

Chu: Regards!

Finally, I sincerely wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year, so warm and Ram work together to create a happy life;

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第十一篇

Dear customers:

From to , we will celebrate the spring festival during this period. Sorry for anything inconvenient to you and please feel free to contact me if you have something urgent to get answer.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for a happy and healthy Chinese New Year!

Thanks for your kind attention and support!

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第十二篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

How a nice day! The Chinese traditional Spring Festival is coming. We will have a vacation from January 30 to February 6th, If you have something you can send me by hope we can co-operate more in the next year.

If you have any business don't hesitate to contact with me.

Take my best regards to you and your family.

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第十三篇

Holiday Announcement of 20_ Spring Festival Dear customers:

Thanks for your concern and care for such a long time. According to the production arrangement, our company has made a holiday plan for this coming holiday:

Spring Festival: - ;

Resume normal work from

If you have any demand during this holiday, please issue PO two weeks ahead of time. If you have any urgent or special demand, please contact us freely, we will do our best to cooperate with you.

It will be appreciated if your announcement about holiday days could be informed.

Happy Spring Festival! Thank you very much!

Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd.

Key Words:20_ Spring Festival Announcement

Approved by: Zhun Huang

Made by: Zhilin Ye Print: Anna Jin

春节放假通知简短范文英语 第十四篇

Dear all,

20_ Chinese New Year just around the corner, in order to facilitate the company colleagues working and living arrangements in advance, we hereby notify the spirit and the company's welfare policy based on the State Council, the holiday arrangement notice xxxSpringxxx period as follows:

Chinese New Year: February 18 (New Year's Eve) to 24 vacation days off, a total of seven days. 2 月 15 日 (星期日) February 28 日 (星期六) work.

Chinese New Year holiday duty responsibilities and requirements:

First, the job responsibilities of staff on duty

1. earnestly's fire, theft, security work. Duty to carefully check the doors and windows closed and the company offices and rooms; turn off unnecessary power; shut the faucet, etc., to eliminate all risks. To ensure that all security company office building.

2. earnestly security monitoring work. Prevent the occurrence of a variety of accidents and incidents.

3. During the duty, not off-site, on duty seriously. 24 hours a day to make sure it was on duty in the company.

The duty officer on duty to do the recording. The important thing to have a record. Shift and so do a good job.

5. duty to do the company's plants and trees with water and antifreeze applied work, the case of weather changes, should be treated accordingly; ensure water supply office building.

6. To stick to their posts, not AWOL. To be vigilant and do security work office, and do a good job during duty. There are major issues must be reported to superiors. Breach of duty system, depending on the circumstances be held responsible.

7. duty to do phone records, issued on the situation well, reported lower levels of work, receiving visitors, office responsible for the safety and health work in aisles. Complete other tasks assigned by the leadership.

Second, the duty requirements

1. The first person on duty during the Spring Festival holiday on duty for the company's hydroelectric operation and safety work, we must strengthen accountability, enhance the consciousness and initiative working to ensure safe water and electricity, and stable operation.

2. During the duty must stick to work without undue let others for the post, forbidden to drink, you need to go out, we must ensure that the company was on duty.

3. During the phone on duty must ensure smooth flow in case of major things that must be reported to their superiors and make a temporary treatment measures, positive disposition.

4. earnestly duty records, entrances, parking, fire control room and corporate security situation, etc., must be carefully checked.

5. Place on duty:

Duty officer: Name and telephone

Duty Date: January 20_ May 20_ on

6. duty staff on duty at the time, should stick to their posts, for late, leave early, lack of post duty officer on duty allowance deduction day and depending on the circumstances shall be punished severely.

Duty Signature:

Please arrange a good time, I wish you all a happy New Year holidays!

xx LLC

February 3, 20xx



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